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20. why did navies create democracies

User Hzoo
7.3k points

1 Answer

3 votes

Well, democracy is a Greek-born concept.

So, When and why did democracy happen in ancient Greece?

To Give vs To Receive

There are several variations of democracy as it is used in various nations today. Democracy now has as many influences as there are varieties of bananas available on the market thanks to historical events and thinkers. But whenever academics discuss the beginnings of democracy, they always go back to the same location. They reflect on this amazing civilization known as Ancient Greece.

If you imagine democracy to be a legacy of one great philosopher among ancient Greeks, you are dead wrong. In fact famous philosophers like Aristotle and Plato had many objections to democratic governments. For Aristotle, ordinary people such as carpenters, soldiers, farmers, had too many things to do in a day, they cannot be expected to cultivate "virtues". Virtue, in the eyes of Aristotle, is the domain for the elite class. A sector of society with sufficient wealth and leisure time for whom to devote time and effort to cultivate virtue without material gain comes naturally. For Aristotle, states should be governed by such people. I wouldn't be surprised if the etymology of "Aristocrat" has to do with Aristotle.

Neither did Plato say anything better. In fact, monarchies, dictators, and despots would find in Plato their inspiration. Plato saw a government governed at the top by a philosopher-king to be the best. Just as a healthy and just body is governed by knowledge and reason, a healthy and just society is one governed by a "lover of knowledge", hence the philosopher-king.

Democracy was not an invention of a great mind. It was invented by lesser minds. It was invented by people with a "war-like" character, invented by Greek warriors. People who were bellicose and cocky. A class of people who were eager to win material gain by pillaging other towns. In ancient times, to make war with other states with the aim of material gain was how states pursued economic development. From this breed of people came a battle formation which is admired up to this day: the phalanx.

In a phalanx, the Greeks arrayed themselves in close rectangular formation. Because the terrain of Greece is rugged, one particular size became effective often. It was 20 x 15, twenty men across, 15 men deep. Do the math and you will see 20 x 15 = 300.

Given that an individual warrior had the minimum battle skills, the success of the Phalanx depended on its cohesion. It had to march and maneuver as a group. Its success depended on coordination. Attack as one, retreat as one when needed. It had to stay together no matter what. I hope, my friends, you can imagine how unnerving it might have been for untested warriors to man the front line of a Phalanx. But true to their character, with grit and valor they manned their places in the formation.

My friends, I hope you are still with me on this page because I haven't said yet how the Phalanx gave rise to democracy.

When the Greek warriors, coming from battles, marched back to their states they divided the loot among themselves. If they won against an invading army, each recounted his deeds in the battlefield in front of his comrades in a gathering possibly organized at night, around bonfires. But when it came to issues of state policies, each demanded a voice in government. Because, each contributed to the success of the Phalanx, it was only fitting that the voice of each be heard. The Greeks agreed, and so it was sealed.

"Awuuu, awuuu, awuuuuuu", they said.

Phalanx gave rise to Democracy. It was put together by a class of men who from the standpoint of philosophers were lesser minds. But because ancient Greek warriors gave so much for the Phalanx to succeed, their voices were heard in government. They gave, and a lot they did.

Democracy was born in Athens between 700 BC and 500 BC..

My dear friends, let us look at our democracy now. Today the only righteous mind to keep in modern society, it seems, is the one that listens to the people. To listen to that sector of society we call the masses.

During the infancy of democracy, ancient Greek warriors gave a lot to their city-states which in turn won them a voice in government. But today, moral philosophy compels us to do differently. In modern democracy, moral philosophy compels governments to listen to the voice of the masses. But listen closely and you will hear it distinctly. Give us!

Where as, the ethical system of ancient Greek warriors compelled them to give in order to be heard, the ethical system of modern democracy compels the state to listen to those whose only longing is to receive. To give to the masses whose voice is one. Give us!

User Chrissy
7.1k points