How did the teacher start the class ?
2. From where did he take out the things he put on the table?
3. What is the first thing he took out and placed on the table ?
4. What are the things that were in the box ?
5. What were the feelings of the students when the teacher took out those
things from the box ?
6. What did they think the teacher was going to do with these things ?
7. What was the first thing the teacher did with the things he had laid
on the table ?
8. What did the students do when they saw this ?
9. When did the teacher stop putting the marbles into the bottle ?
10. That is the next thing the teacher did after stopping putting marbles ?
11. What happened to the pebbles the teacher put into the bottle ?
12. What happened to the sand the teacher had brought ?
13. When the teacher stopped what he was doing, what was the condition of
the things he had brought ?
14. To what did the teacher compare the things that he had put in the bottle ?
15. What is the moral of this story ?
16. Pick two past tense verbs from each paragraph in this passage.