It’s impossible to agree or disagree because the English translation of the Chinese original doesn’t lead to the same perceived interpretation.
The Chinese original refers to generational integrity and solidarity. It is not about ‘family’ in the ordinary Western sense of the word. The Chinese original abstracts the ‘family’ to non-family conceptualisations such as the state, the monarch, lordships, etc.
The quote is not really about ‘family.’
Virtually every Chinese person today understands what that quote is about, yet not many Westerners do. The translation ‘family’ should really have been ‘home,’ but home in the abstract sense.
The original was in the sense of solidarity and uniformity of the echelon of decision-makers in an organisation.
At the time of Confucius, the typical Chinese household had three or four generations of people living together.
Confucius was talking about the principle of the household decision-making defers to the seniors. In times of trouble and turmoil, this makes for solid reinforcement of uniformity of decisions, actions and assistance.
Step-by-step explanation:
I hope it helped!