The slope of a line is defined as rise by run i.e.
how much y value changes with respect to the
change in × value. So the slope gives the
steepness of the line.
Slope O indicates there is no change in y when
the x value is changed and so the line with
slope 0 is a horizontal line. A line with slope 1
shows with 1 unit change in ×, y changes by 1
unit. Likewise slope equal 2 indicates with 1 unit
change in ×, y changes by 2 units.
We can see as the absolute value of slope is
increasing, the change in y with respect to x is
increasing i.e. the line is becoming more tilted or
Hence, we can conclude that:
The graph of a line gets Steeper as the absolute
value of the slope gets bigger.
C is the correct answer.