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Directions: You are to document your reflection on the Oakman 21st Century Community Learning Center (Oakman 21st CCLC) experience. It should be no longer than one to two typed pages, double spaced. Reflection is a means of learning through documenting an experience, identifying your future learning needs; reflect on your own values, actions, and interactions with others. You should be honest and as open in your writings and expression as possible without forfeiting the use of appropriate language skills. (Each of you should complete this portion of the project on your own and you may turn in on CANVAS on or before the class date of the following week, i.e. you have Oakman 21st CCLC on Monday, you attend class on Tuesday; this assignment is due on the following Tuesday.

Strategy/strategies implemented:
3 points
Provide a brief description of the teaching method or strategy/strategies you selected to implement your teaching project. (You Tube video, PowerPoint presentation, poster, handouts)
Discuss the rationale/reason for selecting this method/strategy.

Objectives addressed with the identified strategy:
4 points
What will your students be able to do upon completion of the activity? Use the lead in statement, “Upon completion of this activity, the child/student will be able to…..” Then bullet each objective. (look at the course objectives as examples)

Readings in preparation for this experience:
What resources did you read and use in preparation for this project?

2 points

Date, Time, Site and environment of the implementation:
1 point
Describe the setting, date, time, environment, as well as those taught in this project.

Evaluation of Effectiveness:
1 point
How did you evaluate the children’s responses? Summarize or give examples of your evaluative findings.

8 points
Briefly discuss how well you met the objectives (the ones you wrote and were given to you) for this project, what you actually learned, your thoughts and feelings while involved in this project. (i.e. I felt sad when I saw this one little child, they were so thin OR I really thought these girls/boys would be ______ OR I really was so upset with this one child, they would _____. )
What questions do you have?
What would you do differently next time? (i.e. I may need to prepare by looking over growth and development before working with this age group again.)
The reflection is not a summary of what occurred during the experiences, it is your thoughts feelings, perception, and assumptions.

Ethical Issues/Concerns:
1 points
Please note any ethical issues or concerns that you may have regarding your experiences.

1 Answer

3 votes


Waaaoooooo is a good idea for you to make a web shooter

Step-by-step explanation:

Because you are a great player and you can make it work with your own mind and your family are doing well by the grace of God

User Werediver
7.5k points