932°F to 36032°F
Celsius and Fahrenheit are both measures of temperature. However, Celsius is a metric measurement, and Fahrenheit is used in the USA primarily.
Conversion Formula
To convert the Celsius measurements to Fahrenheit we can use the formula:
So, in this formula, you can plug in whatever Celsius value you have in and solve for Fahrenheit. To convert from F to C you can use the second formula:
Solving for Fahrenheit
Now that we have the formula, we can plug in the 2 Celsius values to find the new range.
First, plug 500°C in
Next, multiply the terms within the parentheses
Finally, add the last terms
Then, plug in 20000°C
- (20000°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F
Next, multiply the terms within the parentheses
Lastly, add the terms together
This means that, in Fahrenheit, the temperature range of the welder's electrical arc is 932°F to 36032°F. This is a total range of 35100°F.