ii. Causal Fallacy
Step-by-step explanation:
Logical fallacies are arguments that rely on incorrect thought processes and can easily be disproven with logic.
Causal Fallacy
The causal fallacy is defined as incorrectly linking one action as a cause of another, unrelated event. For example, the idea that a sports fan can make their favorite team win by wearing a lucky shirt. The team might win when the fan wears the lucky shirt, but the shirt did not cause the win.
This thought process is a fallacy and can be disproven by understanding that the fan's clothing has no effect on the team.
Anthony's Thought Process
Anthony believes that his comment caused Marie to get hit by a bus. However, Anthony was not driving the bus, thus he could not have caused the accident. So, he must be falling into the causal fallacy because he is creating a cause-and-effect relationship that is not real.