composite functions, but just think of it as one function.. that does it's thing and then feeds into another function...
so g(x) starts it.. and gets a 7 and outputs a 9
then f(x) gets the 9 from g(x) and outputs a )
so f(g(7)) = 0
next f(x) gets a 3 and outputs a 9
then g(x) gets that 9 and outputs a 4
so g(f(3)) = 4
next f(x) gets a 2 and outputs a 5
then then next f(x) gets that 5 and outputs an 8
f(f(2) ) = 8
next g(x) gets an 8 and outputs an 8
the next g(x0 get that 8 and outputs another 8
kinda boring at 8 ... same ol same ol :P
g(g(8)) = 8