Rome had been the home of the Christian Church for centuries before the popes were exiled to Avignon, France. According to tradition, the apostle Peter was buried there, and the bishops of Rome, who were the popes, had directed the church’s affairs in Western Europe for Centuries While the popes were in Exile the conditions in Rome Deteriorated badly, and by the early 1400s the city was in ruins. Once magnificent buildings such as the Colosseum were Crumbling. The Stadium housed scores of filthy taverns. Theives prowled the ancient baths. Some buildings and courtyards were overgrown with vines and shrubs and littered with Debris. The Roman Forum, which was the heart of Rome, was filled with wild animals and neglected vegetation. When the Pope returned to Rome in 1417, he quickly set about trying to restore the city. The popes that followed continued to restore the city until it became a magnificent center of Rennaisance art and Architecture.