Step-by-step explanation:
a) Many international organizations recognize environmental degradation as one of the major threats facing the planet, since humans have only been given one Earth to work with, and if the environment becomes irreparably compromised, it could mean the end of human existence.
b) the lithosphere,
hydrosphere, biosphere, and
atmosphere. The spheres are so
closely connected that a change in
one sphere often results in a change in one or more of the other spheres.
Such changes that take place within an ecosystem are referred to as events.
c) The Importance Of Hydrosphere As One Of The Domains Of The Earth are:
The hydrosphere is important in maintaining the diverse climates
Hydrosphere gives planet Earth a distinct appearance as a blue marble
The hydrosphere separates planet earth from other planets in the solar system.
d) The natural environment: all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. The term is most often applied to the Earth or some parts of Earth.
e) the biosphere is as important for living organisms because it is termed as the zone of life on Earth. The biosphere sustains us, both in the food we eat, and the air we breathe.