This is difficult but if you come to my town and make a concert free many people will attend, you will have more fame, and fans from all over the world.
There are many positives and negatives sides if you come to this town. Like many people will get to know you in live. But, the music economy by doing so. professional musicians are having right now problems in that venues are not willing to pay for music, or are only willing to give insultingly low amounts.
You still deserve to be compensated for the time and energy invested into your performance, as well as the years of training and (quite often) thousands of pounds worth of equipment needed to make it happen. If it is a charity close to your heart, you can always choose to donate some of or all of your fee back to them, but you should have your expenses covered at the very least.
That said many people will enjoy the performance in this town. Hope that you can make it.