Joel Schumacher’s 2002 movie “Phone Booth” is set in New York City. There are a few minutes of Times Square to establish the locale; however, the phone booth is the main set for this film. It is in this phone booth that the lead actor played by Colin Farrell spends nearly the entire movie. The premise is that he is pinned down in the phone booth by an unseen sniper. While in the movie the phone booth where Farrell’s character is trapped is at 53rd Street and 8th Avenue, it was really constructed on West Fifth Street at South Spring Street in Los Angeles, not in New York City.
The scenes shot inside the phone booth took 10 days to shoot. The rest of the scenes that included exterior shots of the booth's surroundings took only two days to shoot. Despite the limited sets used in this movie, it is very riveting.
While the phone booth was like any other, in many shots a piece of graffiti is shown tagged on the booth. The graffiti is an advertisement for the OBEY skateboarding clothing brand. When I noticed and identified the graffiti, I thought the connection with the OBEY brand is interesting because one of the film’s main themes is obedience.