1: The title is 'The Weary Blues' which remind me of the genre the blues. The blues were made by African American people to sing and play out their sorrows. Which is why the genre is named the way it is as it originally was made for playing the blues of the people out.
2: The poem is organized by 2 stanzas. In the first stanza there are 22 lines and in the second stanza there are 13 lines.
3:The tone of the poem is sad, pessimistic. and serious. In lines 29-30 reads, "I ain’t happy no mo’
And I wish that I had died.” This clearly signifies that the writer or the character is not happy.
4: The poetic devices in the poem are imagery, rhymes, repetitions, stanzas, and personification. The use of personification is when the writer writes, "He made that poor piano moan with melody." (line 10)
5: The meaning of this poem is about how a sad man more specifically an African American started playing the blues and singing a sad song. He was using music to express his sorrows that nobody else would understand. The poet wants the reader to understand how much worries people have but the people will continue being themselves and act like everything is fine when it is not. Maybe the poet wanted to show readers different ways of relieving their worries.
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