The Amerindians
Write the letter of the correct match next to each statement.
1. Zemi
2. Karbay
3. Polytheistic
4. Alcos
5. Duho
6. Tiubutuli hauthe
7. Nitaynos
8. Caracoli
9. Maboya
10. Pirago
11. Litter
12. Oboutu
13. Boyez
14. Conucos
Te prediction
15. Cacique
16. Cahoba
17, Coyaba
18. Pepperpot
19. Batos
20. Nokubu
a. my body
b. Taino chief
c. used to transport the Taino chief
d. Kalinago warrior chief
e. worship of many gods
f. Kalinago priest
g. Cacique's god
h. a farming method
i. a barkless dog
i. the Taino's favourite dish
k. Kalinago village headman
1. Cacique's stool
m. Kalinago war canoe
n. heaven
powdered tobacco
p.evil spirit of the Kalinago
q. Kalinago male dwelling
La ball game
s. a necklace of small beads
t. nobles who assisted Cacique​