Segragation laws started all of that.
Step-by-step explanation:
Back then it was a law in general. Black people sit in the back of the bus white people sit in the front
Other laws like this are : Black people had to walk to a different building outside of their workplace to the restroom, and white people had a restroom inside the work-place to use.
Black people had to eat outside of the dinners and white ppl got to eat inside
If a black person tried on a show in a shoe store they had to purchase it no matter what
(We all know this one)-Segagated water fountains
If a white person accused a black person of partaking in a crime police wouldn't search for evidence the black person would be punished right away.
Rules like these were made by goverments in different states to keep the segragation between white and black people a thing.
And yes this was honestly sad.