A) One way the weakening of the British Empire led to the creation of new states after World War II was due to the taxing effects of the war. Britain and other European nations faced heavy economic challenges including war debts and loans for rebuilding their nations. Britain needed to focus on their own problems and rebuild their home instead of fighting off rebellions and settling conflicts in the colonies other imperialized nations. In such a way, Britain was ready to grant India independence in 1947 and gave up Palestine in the following year. They could not deal with the Arab-Israeli conflict in Palestine or the Hindi-Muslim conflict, instead, they needed to focus their resources on rebuilding Britain.
B) One way Britain's withdrawal from Palestine was different from Britain's withdrawal from India was different in regards to the violence and methods to liberate the two nations. India fought against Britain for nearly a hundred years in order to gain its independence from Britain, on the other hand, Britain had promised that they would grant independence to Ottoman Arab provinces after the First World War. Yet, this promise fell through and Britain was instead given a mandate over Palestine after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Palestine remained under British control until 1948 when Britain gave up Palestine and let the UN decide what to do, a year after the United Nations granted the Partition of Palestine into designated Arab and Jewish states.
C) One way the creation of the state of Israel led to conflict and displacement was due to the high tensions between the Jewish and native Arab majority in the region. The Jewish refugee crisis occurred following World War II, and the Jews initiated the Zionist movement which was the desire and search for a Jewish homeland. Palestine is a region of history with cultural ties for three religions, including the Muslims and the Jews. When the states of Israel were created in 1948, Arab states, including armies from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, invaded them the day Israel declared its independence. The Arab-Israeli War ended a year later in 1949 with the signing of armistices which granted Israel additional territory not mentioned in the partition of Palestine. During the war, about 85% of all Arabs living in Israel fled their homes; about 750,000 Arab refugees relocated to camps in neighboring Arab nations.
I hope this helps. Have a great day or night!