1. Legally restricted gains
Classification: Net Assets without Donor Restrictions
2. Expenses reported by functional classification
Classification: Net Assets without Donor Restrictions
3. Contributions of services that do not create or enhance nonfinancial assets or require special skills
Classification: No Effect on Net Assets
4. Costs of collection items not capitalized by the NFP
Classification: No Effect on Net Assets
5. Board-designated endowment
Classification: Net Assets without Donor Restrictions
6. Expenses reported by natural classification
Classification: Net Assets without Donor Restrictions
7. Conditional promise to give if the barrier has not been overcome
Classification: No Effect on Net Assets
8. Unconditional promises to give cash with amounts due in future periods
Classification: Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
9. Receipt of a gift restricted to acquisition of a long-lived asset that has been placed in service. The entity chooses to imply a time restriction over the life of the asset
Classification: Net Assets with Donor Restrictions
10. Investment return on a donor-restricted perpetual endowment fund with no donor restriction on the investment return, which has not been appropriated by the governing board
Classification: Net Assets with Donor Restrictions
11. Losses on an underwater endowment fund
Classification: Net Assets with Donor Restrictions