i would like to prefer some workouts that actually worked out on me at home.
Step-by-step explanation:
# star jumps- it helps to maintain ur blood circulation in a body.
#Squats- it actually relaxes the every muscle of lower parts of a body.
#push ups- after push ups fires up ur lower parts, u can try exercizing upper parts.
#lunges- after push ups, ur upper body needs to relax. so u can try lunges, to exercise ur lower body.
#plank- Best exercise u can do is plank which exercises ur whole body parts.
#side plank- It is the best exercise if u need abs in ur stomach.
#step ups-keep a bench or stool in front nd try climbing up nd down maintaing ur posture.
#chair dips-u can try this with the same bench that u used for step ups. It helps the strength of ur muscle.
#Wall sit-when ur legs relaxes, u can try this exercise maintaing a correct posture.
#pull ups- At last u can try pull ups which works on ur entire body. Although its tough nd may be difficult at beginning but its result is 100% effective.