Step-by-step explanation:
Regular French Verbs Ending in -ER
A very high percentage of verbs in French end in -ER. These are for the most part regular verbs, and their conjugation in the present tense follows a set pattern; you just need to drop the -ER ending of the infinitive form of the verb (in English, the infinitive form is the verb preceded by the word ‘to’). The verb minus its ending is called the stem or radical.
Conjugating the verbs
In order to conjugate the verbs, you need to drop the -ER and replace it by the following endings:
Aimer (to like/ to love)
J’aim + e
Tu aim + es
Il/elle/on aim + e
Nous aim + ons
Vous aim + ez
Ils/elles aim + ent
Demander (to ask)
Je demand + e
Tu demand + es
Il/elle/on demand + e
Nous demand + ons
Vous demand + ez
Ils/elles demand + ent
Note: When verbs are conjugated in the present tense, they can be interpreted as either the continuous present (“ing” in English) or the simple present.
Je travaille sur ce projet = I’m working on this project.
Il travaille chez BMW = He works for BMW.
Tu manges de la soupe = You’re eating soup.
Je mange des plats épicés = I eat spicy foods.
Nous parlons avec Carla = We are speaking with Carla.
Je parle trois langues = I speak three languages.
Note: If there is a second verb following the main verb in the sentence, you only need to conjugate the first one and leave the second one in its infinitive form.
J’aime parler à ma fille = I like talking/to talk to my daughter.
Il préfère manger des fruits = He prefers eating/to eat fruits.
A short list of common -ER verbs:
acheter to buy
adorer to adore
aider to help
aimer to like / to love
aimer mieux to prefer
amener to bring a person somewhere
appeler to call
apporter to bring something
arriver to arrive
casser to break
changer to change
chanter to sing
chercher to look for
commencer to begin
continuer to continue
coûter to cost
cuisiner to cook
déménager to move house
dépenser to spend
détester to detest ; to hate
dessiner to draw
donner to give
échanger to exchange
écouter to listen
emprunter to borrow
étudier to study
essayer to try
gagner to win
garder to keep
habiter to live
jardiner to garden
jouer to play
manger to eat
marcher to walk
oublier to forget
parler to speak
partager to share
payer to pay
penser (que) to think (that)
préférer to prefer
préparer to prepare
prêter to loan
quitter la maison to leave the house
raconter to tell a story
regarder to watch
rencontrer to meet
rentrer to return
retrouver to meet up
rêver to dream
rigoler to laugh
terminer to end
travailler to work
trouver to find
voyager to travel
There are a few spelling differences for certain -ER verbs:
Manger (to eat) and other verbs that end in ger (voyager, déménager, nager) are conjugated a bit differently in the nous form: An extra E is added for pronunciation purposes.
Je mang + e
Tu mang + es
Il/elle/on mang + e
Nous mang + eons
Vous mang + ez
Ils/elles mang + ent
Verbs like préférer that end in érer have an accent change in every conjugation except for the nous and vous forms.
Je préfère
Tu préfères
Il/elle/on préfère
Nous préférons
Vous préférez
Ils/elles préfèrent
The verbs amener, acheter, appeler and other verbs that end in e + single consonant + er require an added accent, or in the case of appeler, a doubling of the consonant in every conjugation except the nous and vous forms.
J’amène (achète) (appelle)
Tu amènes (achètes) (appelles)
Il/elle/on amène (achète) (appelle)
Nous amenons (achetons) (appelons)
Vous amenez (achetez) (appelez)Ils/elles amènent (achètent) (appellent)