23 votes
C++ "Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence. Create a for loop that compares the two strings starting from index 0. For each match, add one point to userScore. Upon a mismatch, exit the loop using a break statement. Assume simonPattern and userPattern are always the same length.

Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 4:
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 9:
simonPattern: RRGBRYYBGY
userPattern: RRGBBRYBGY
Result: Can't get test 2 to occur when userScore is 9
Your value: 4
Expected value: 9
Your value: 4
Tests aborted.

User Webvitaly
6.6k points

1 Answer

8 votes


In C++:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int userScore = 0;

string simonPattern, userPattern;

cout<<"Simon Pattern: "; cin>>simonPattern;

cout<<"User Pattern: "; cin>>userPattern;

for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

userScore++; }

else{ break; }


cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

return 0;


Step-by-step explanation:

This initializes user score to 0

int userScore = 0;

This declares simonPattern and userPattern as string

string simonPattern, userPattern;

This gets input for simonPattern

cout<<"Simon Pattern: "; cin>>simonPattern;

This gets input for userPattern

cout<<"User Pattern: "; cin>>userPattern;

This iterates through each string

for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

This checks for matching characters

if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

userScore++; }

This breaks the loop, if the characters mismatch

else{ break; }


This prints the number of consecutive matches

cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

User CromTheDestroyer
6.4k points