a decrease in both American imports and exports.
Step-by-step explanation:
Trade can be defined as a process which typically involves the buying and selling of goods and services between a producer and the customers (consumers) at a specific period of time.
Basically, trade can be categorized into two (2) main groups and these are;
I. Import: this involves bringing in goods from a foreign country to sell in a different (domestic) country.
II. Export: it involves the sales of goods produced in a domestic country to a foreign country.
Some examples of trade barriers are import license, quotas, subsidies, embargo, currency devaluation, local content requirements, tariffs, etc.
A tariff can be defined as tax levied by the government of a country on goods and services imported from another country.
A tariff increase usually reduce the nation's dependence on imports.
Hence, if tariffs are increased, the long-run effect is most likely to be a decrease in both American imports and exports.