Answer: I would like to photograph an Axolotl
Explanation: Axolotls are actually really interesting and adorable. They have six tentacle-ear-looking things on their head, they may look like they are just decoration but they are actually the gills. Axolotls have an average lifespan of 15 years. It is best not to use flash photography because, while it will cause no long-term damage, it can potentially scare them, but for the most part they are just likely to be annoyed. The axolotls generally rest during the day and are most active at sunset and sundown. They feed on insect larvae, mollusks, worms, crusateans, and some fish. This will help because photography will be easier while the axolotl is eating as it will be much more still. They will be easier to photograph during the time that they are sleeping because they will be much more still, not only this but they normally rest during the day so natural lighting is provided. It would also be easier to photograph them while they are in captivity due to the fact that they are an endangered species that can only be found exclusively in the lake complex Xochimilco. Hope this helps.