9514 1404 393
= 53(20 +4) or =24(50 +3) or =(20 +4)(50 +3)
Either number can be rewritten as a sum. Typically, the sum will be based on place value: 53 = 50 + 3, for example, as opposed to something like 53 = 26 +27.
The usual method of multiplication taught in grade school makes use of this sort of rewriting.
53 × 24 = 53 × (4 +20) = 53×4 +53×20 = 212 +1060 = 1272
Additional comment
We find this easier to multiply as 53(20 +4) than as 24(50 +3) because doubling (multiplying by 2) and doubling again (multiplying by 4) is generally easier than multiplying by 3 or 5.
In grade school, we did this digit by digit, so ...
53×24 = (3 +50)(4 +20) = 3(4 +20) +50(4 +20) = 3×4 +3×20 +50×4 +50×20
= 12 +60 +200 +1000 = 1272