Trachea: It is the wind pipe — making it a part of the respiratory system
Esophagus: It is the food pipe — making it a part of the digestive system
Trachea: It is shorter, 10–11 centimeters. It connects upper airway to the lungs
Esophagus: It is longer, 25 centimeters. It connects mouth to the stomach
Trachea: It is cartilaginous, made of C-shaped semicircular cartilages. They give it structural stability and prevents it from collapsing
Esophagus: It is muscular. It contracts in a wave-like motion through it’s length to propel food from mouth to stomach a.k.a swallowing
Trachea: It’s opening is protected by Epiglottis, a flap like structure, to prevent food from accidental entering the air passage. It prevents choking
Esophagus: It’s opening is protected by two sphincters. They are muscular rings that constrict to close the esophagus off when food is not being swallowed.
Trachea: It has 2 portions — cervical and thoracic i.e. neck and chest portions.
Esophagus: It has 3 portions — cervical, thoracic and abdominal i.e. neck, chest and stomach portions.