22 votes
Escriba en los espacios la respuesta adecuada. Como guía se le da la primera letra de la palabra que se

debe escribir.

1. Insignia de la autoridad suprema el Papa------------------------- T__________________
2. Sinónimo de zurriago--------------------------------------------------- L__________________
3. Piedra preciosa de color amarillo------------------------------------ T__________________
4. Lo mismo que esclavo-------------------------------------------------- S__________________
5. Otra expresión para loco----------------------------------------------- L___________________
6. Mezcla de cerveza y gaseosa--------------------------------------- R___________________
7. Especie de bolsa o maleta------------------------------------------- T___________________
8. Linterna muy potente generalmente en el mar------------------ F___________________
9. Movimiento de las aguas del mar----------------------------------- M___________________
10. Monte donde Simón Bolívar hizo su juramento------------------ A___________________
11. Apetito desordenado de comer-------------------------------------- G__________________
12. Escribe tres palabras que contengan las cinco vocales------- A__________________
E___________________ M___________________

1. Municipio de Antioquia que lleva cinco veces la vocal A------. S_________________
1. Plátano frito----------------------------------------------------------------- P_________________
1. Lo usan en la cabeza los árabes-------------------------------------- T_________________
1. Corto de vista--------------------------------------------------------------- M________________
1. El que sabe varios idiomas---------------------------------------------- P_________________
1. EL modo como se suicidan los japoneses-------------------------- H_________________
1. 19. Sábana donde se envuelve el cadáver------------------------- M_________________
1. Ladrones que colocaron con Jesús cuando lo crucificaron---- D_______ y G_______
1. Árbol cuyo fruto es la nuez---------------------------------------------- N_________________
1. Sala en donde celebró Jesús la última Cena---------------------- C_________________
1. Nombre científico de la familia de las tortugas-------------------- Qu________________
1. Ciudad donde nació Jesucristo---------------------------------------- N_________________
1. Soberano de los dioses del Olimpo----------------------------------- Z_________________
1. Persona para representar al pueblo en la Asamblea Dept--------- D_________________
1. Capa terrestre que está siendo destruida por la contaminación----- O______________
1. Discípulo incrédulo de Jesús-------------------------------------------------- T______________
1. Princesa judía que hizo cortar la cabeza a San Juan Bautista-------- S_____________
1. Qué rango militar se obtiene después del de Capitán------------------- M_____________

User Gshaffer
7.2k points

1 Answer

2 votes


Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

vhendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnetNow you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.

Now you try to construct the beginning of a sonnet. Choose what you want to make your sonnet about. You're only going to start with one verse. You have to think about how to limit your verses to the rules of sonnets and how you could use synalephs so that your sonnet follows the fixed rules of hendecasyllables. Also keep in mind the rhyme of the sonnet.


Step-by-step explanation:

User FeRcHo
7.9k points