Step-by-step explanation:
Money is anything that is generally accepted as a means of payment for goods and services and for repayment of debt.
Functions of money
1. Medium of exchange : money can be used to exchange for goods and services. For example, money serves as a medium of exchange when you pay $20 for your favourite jeans
2. Unit of account : money can be used to value goods and services, For example, $20 is the value of your favourite jeans
3. Store of value : money can retain its value over the long term, this it can be used as a store of value.
Inflation reduces the value of money.
Inflation is a persistent rise in the general price levels
Types of inflation
1. demand pull inflation – this occurs when demand exceeds supply. When demand exceeds supply, prices rise
2. cost push inflation – this occurs when the cost of production increases. This leads to a reduction in supply. Higher prices are the resultant effect