The term 'Child Rights' means some basic rights that every child of a nation should have. The Child Rights are available for children without any religious, racial or any other discrimination. Almost all the countries of the world have become serious for the rights to children. They are making every effort in this step.
Children are the part of society who decides the destiny of the country. Their protection and development is the responsibility of the government of the country, which they fulfilled through child rights. You can have detailed information about it through the paragraphs below. I would suggest you go through all of them to check its usefulness for you.
Children need food, clothing, shelter, health facilities, education, protection, entertainment and above all, freedom. All children have a claim for these things in a society. These are the basic rights of children. In order to grow up properly, some basic needs are to be fulfilled as their right.
Childhood can and must be preserved. Children have the right to survive, develop, be protected and participate in decisions that impact their lives. The Right to Survival - to life, health, nutrition, name and nationality. The right to survival entails the right to a healthy life.
Rights of a Child Includes:
Every child has the right to be born well
Every child has the right to a wholesome family life
Every child has the right to be raised well and become contributing members of society
Every child has the right to basic needs
Every child has the right to access what they need to have a good life.
It is important to know one's own rights to be able to respect the equal worth and rights of others. The aim of this step is to provide knowledge about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and how it is connected to their everyday lives, communities and countries.