Step-by-step explanation:
Click the displayed time in the taskbar and then click Change date and time settings.
Figure : Date and time settings encircled in red
Date and time settings encircled in red
Figure : Date and Time window
Date and Time window
Click the Date and Time tab.
Click Change time zone. Make sure the correct time zone is selected. Place a checkmark next to Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time if it is not already selected, and then click OK.
Figure : Time Zone Settings
Time Zone Settings
Click Change date and time.
Click the small left and right arrows in the calendar to select a month and year, and then click a day within the month.
Figure : Date and Time Settings: Date
Date selection in the Date and Time Settings window
Change the time by entering the hour, minute, AM or PM, or by clicking the up and down arrow buttons. Click OK when the time matches the current time.
Figure : Date and Time Settings: Time
Time setting in the Date and Time Settings window
The time zone, date, and time have been set.
Synchronizing time with Windows 7 internet time server
Windows can automatically synchronize the date and time with a time server to make sure the time displayed on your computer is accurate. Follow these steps to enable Internet Time:
note: If your computer is part of a domain, the Internet Time feature is not available. Contact your System Administrator for clock synchronization information.
Click the displayed time in the taskbar and then click Change date and time settings.
Figure : Change date and time settings
Change date and time settings
Figure : Date and Time window
Date and Time window
Click the Internet Time tab, and then click Change settings.
If you are prompted for an Administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Figure : Internet Time tab
Internet Time tab
Make sure that Synchronize with an Internet time server is checked.
Figure : Internet Time Settings
Internet Time Settings
Make sure the computer is connected to the Internet and click the Update Now button.
The computer connects to an Internet server and updates the time on the computer.
note: If the computer fails to receive an update from the selected Internet time server, a message opens stating that an error has occurred. Select a different server and try again.
Click OK.
Your computer's clock will now regularly syncronize via the Internet.