abolition the act of ending a law or practice, such as slavery
caudillo the Spanish word for military leader
coal a combustible material that is used as a natural fuel
collective bargaining negotiations between an employer and union representatives concerning wages, hours, and working conditions
coup d'etat a sudden seizure of government by force
communism a system of political organization in which all property is publicly owned and social classes and the state disappear
circuit riders clergy who are assigned to a group of church congregations
demography the study of human populations
export sending goods to other nations for the purpose of trade
guillotine a death instrument in France consisting of a weighted blade that slides down between two vertical guides and beheads the victim
import receiving goods from other nations for the purpose of trade
Meiji Restoration a period in Japanese history from 1868 to 1912, marked by the overthrow of the shogun and the "restoration" of the emperor to power
mercantilism an economic theory that tries to reduce one nation's dependence on other nations
nationalistic a feeling of strong patriotism toward a country
sepoys Indian troops
socialism a system of political organization in which the government regulates the economy with the goal of reducing social and economic inequalities
suffrage the right to vote
Taiping Rebellion a Chinese peasant rebellion (1850 to 1864) that was led by Hong Xiuquan, who wanted to bring an end to the Qing Dynasty and establish the Taiping, or the "Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace"