84 Percentage increase
Detailed calculations & verification
Introduction. Percent, p%
'Percent (%)' means 'out of one hundred':
p% = p 'out of one hundred',
p% is read p 'percent',
p% = p/100 = p ÷ 100.
40% = 40/100 = 40 ÷ 100 = 0.4.
100% = 100/100 = 100 ÷ 100 = 1.
Increase the number by 40% of its value.
Percentage increase = 40% × 210
New value = 210 + Percentage increase
Calculate the New Value
New value =
210 + Percentage increase =
210 + (40% × 210) =
210 + 40% × 210 =
(1 + 40%) × 210 =
(100% + 40%) × 210 =
140% × 210 =
140 ÷ 100 × 210 =
140 × 210 ÷ 100 =
29,400 ÷ 100 =
Calculate absolute change (actual difference)
Absolute change (actual difference) =
New value - 210 =
294 - 210 =