I need a starter for my Spanish assignment, it wants me to write at least 5 sentences and 5 pictures of what i did on my last vacation, now we don't go on vacations often and when we do, we don't take pictures often so I'm scrambling on that. But I can do that portion on my own. Still...im in a rush...and I was doing my best to brainstorm and even yesterday i asked my teacher but i still don't know where to start now, and the only thing the assignment gave me for reference was the rubric and the example in english: "Example; My family and I traveled to the beach. First, I arrived at the hotel. Then we ate at a restaurant, where my sister ate fish." ... Ill send what it asked:
[Including the following: 1 –ar verb, 1-er verb, 1- ir verb, 1- irregular verb, and at least 1- stem changing verb. You must use these verbs in the preterite with at least 3 different forms (yo, ella, nosotros). You must use; primero, después, luego, a continuación, and finalmente to express sequence of events]
I plan on doing 6, sentences, but i need help for a 2 sentence starter that i can utilize to complete the others.
Again i am so sorry, but i really do need help, so i provided as much as i possibly could.