In Python:
sname = input("Name: ")
tuition = float(input("Monthly Tuition: "))
transport = float(input("Monthly Transport: "))
months = int(input("No. of Months: "))
print("Student Name: "+sname)
print("Monthly Tuition: "+str(tuition))
print("Monthly Transport: "+str(transport))
fees = (transport + tuition) * months
print("Total Fees: "+str(fees))
VAT = 0.00
print("VAT: "+str(VAT)+"%")
amount = fees - VAT*fees/100
print("Amount to pay: "+str(amount))
print("Thank you...")
Step-by-step explanation:
The program was written in Python
This gets the student's name
sname = input("Name: ")
This gets the student's monthly tuition fee
tuition = float(input("Monthly Tuition: "))
This gets the student's monthly transport fee
transport = float(input("Monthly Transport: "))
This gets the number of months
months = int(input("No. of Months: "))
This prints the student's name
print("Student Name: "+sname)
This prints the student's monthly tuition fee
print("Monthly Tuition: "+str(tuition))
This prints the student's monthly transport fee
print("Monthly Transport: "+str(transport))
This calculates the total fee
fees = (transport + tuition) * months
This prints the total fees
print("Total Fees: "+str(fees))
Here, we assume that VAT is 0%
VAT = 0.00
This prints the assumed VAT
print("VAT: "+str(VAT)+"%")
This calculates the total payable fee
amount = fees - VAT*fees/100
This prints the total payable fee
print("Amount to pay: "+str(amount))
This prints a thank you message
print("Thank you...")