tarragona, spain, is famous for its towers, its towers are not normal towers; they are special towers because they are human towers. human towers are called "castells". in august, during the feast of san magin, there is a very popular competition in which tourists can see the castells of tarragona. many groups participate in the competition in the competition with the objective of seeing who can build the tallest castle.
there are many people at the base of castell. the base of the castell is called "pinya". the people in the pinya have to be muscular people. it is your responsibility to help the other people who make up the castell. pinya people lift other people up. they help them to form another floor.
later, the people on the pinya and the other floor lift more people and help them form more floors. the process is repeated. they complete the castell with a floor consisting of a single person. this person is called "enxaneta". the enxaneta has to be a small person. the enxaneta raises his hands when the castell is complete.