After doing the Knewton assignments and watching some videos. I really do not understand some basics concepts of Energy. One of the questions is asking: Which of the following objects has more kinetic energy than does potential energy?
a) a compressed spring in a pinball machine just before the ball is launched.
b)a rollercoaster motionless at the top of the track.
c) a yo-yo before it is released
d)the pendulum of a grandfather clock at the lowest point of its arc of motion.
I thought that the answer was b, but the correct answer was c). I did not understand the explanation. It says " Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Each of the objects above are motionless—with stored potential energy—except for the clock. At the bottom of its arc it will have the greatest kinetic energy, which is then converted to potential energy as it swings back up to one side"
So if someone could explain this better I would so good.