Hmm similarly my sister and I, who are both in school, have the same issue. Some tips that I use myself are, listening to music without words in the background. This helps me calm down and releases stresses, as well as calming scents if you have any like lavender. Try to stretch every so often, this helps gain energy and let blood flow through your veins to your brain. Try listing your assignments you need to get done for the week and when you get done with one, cross it out. This makes me feel so much more accomplished and then I can tackle the assingments I am behind on. Also drink LOTS of water! This helps your WHOLE body!
Remember that these don't work for everyone and if you need anything else I can try to give you some more help! Try not to stress too much, believe me that is definitely a lot easier said than done! As long as you try your best and work towards your goal, that's what matters. Life is about your journey, not your destination. Try to stay positive! Not everything is going to be easy, but you can do it!