service subscription and age are not independent
The appropriate statistical test to adopt for the above problem is the Chisquare test.
The hypothesis :
H0 : service subscription and age are independent
H1 : service subscription and age are not independent
Observed values :
Under 18 18-34 35 and Over Total
Yes__ 120 __262 __237__ 619
No___ 41 ___103 __237 __381
Total 161 365 574 1000
χ² = (Observed - Expected)²/Expected
Expected Values:
99.659 __ 225.935 __ 293.406
61.341 ___ 139.065 __ 180.594
The Chisquare values :
4.15172__ 5.7569__ 10.8438
6.74518_ 9.35307 __ 17.6176
χ² = 4.15172 + 5.7569 + 10.8438 + 6.74518 + 9.35307 + 17.6176 = 54.46827
Degree of freedom = (row-1)*(column-1) = (2-1)*(3-1) = 1*2 = 2
Pvalue at df = 2 ; Pvalue = 0
α = 0.05
Pvalue < Α ; Hence, we reject H0 ; and conclude that service subscription and age are not independent