The correlation is 0.373 . There is a moderate positive linear association between Dollars and Satisfaction.
Given the data:
Dollars Satisfaction
70.99 32
76.01 34
67.24 27
69.33 17
67.59 23
74.06 29
76.04 25
72.63 31
68.01 26
67.98 31
Using technology, the Pearson correlation Coefficient calculator ; we can obtain the Pearson correlation Coefficient is 0.3729
Interpretating this value, a correlation Coefficient value of 0.3729 is positive, this means a positive linear relationship exists between the values. Also 0.3729 is closer to 0 than 1 ; this mean that the strength of their relationship is moderate to weak .
Hence, a correlation Coefficient value of 0.3729 means that a weak positive relationship exists between dollar and satisfaction