23 votes
What years did each of these happen?

1. the first crusade
2. massacre of the jews in the Rhineland
3. attack on nicea
4. capture of Antioch
5. capture of Jerusalem by crusaders
6. second crusade
7. Conrad's defeat at dorylaeym
8. attack on damascus
9. third crusade
10. fall of Jerusalem
11. seizure of Cairo
12. battle of arsuf
13. peace treaty between Richard and saladin
14. fourth crusade
15. sack of Constantinople
16. children's crusade
17. fifth crusade
18. Sixth crusade
19. end of the crusades​

1 Answer

9 votes


In all, eight major Crusade expeditions occurred between 1096 and 1291. These groups defended the Holy Land and protected pilgrims First Crusade (1096-99) Jerusalem, they decided to attack the Syrian stronghold of Damascus After numerous attempts by the Crusaders of Jerusalem to capture

Historians disagree about what to include as 'the Crusades', but a sensible list would include:

1096‒1099 First Crusade First an army of peasants led by Peter the Hermit (a French priest and key leader of the Crusades) set off for the Holy Land. They were massacred by the Turks. An army of knights followed, led by Godfrey of Bouillon (Frankish knight and another leader of the first Crusades), which massacred Muslims and captured Jerusalem in 1099. The Crusaders massacred the Muslims until, it was said, the streets ran red with blood.

1145‒1149 Second Crusade King Louis VII of France invaded the Holy Land, but was defeated at Damascus.

1189‒1192 Third Crusade In 1187, the Muslim ruler Saladin had recaptured Jerusalem. The Crusaders (who included King Richard I of England) captured the port of Acre. But they quarrelled, and failed to capture Jerusalem. On the way home, Richard was kidnapped and held ransom until February 1194 when the English paid for his release.

1202-1204 Fourth Crusade The Pope wanted to unite western and eastern Christians under his authority. He diverted this Crusade, with the help of Venice, and captured Constantinople in 1204. Christians fought Christians.

1212 Children's Crusade An army of young people set off on Crusade. They were kidnapped and sold as slaves.

1217‒1250 Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Crusades All failed.

1396 Battle of Nicopolis sometimes called the 'last' Crusade An army of French and Hungarian knights were massacred. Some historians refer to it as the 'last' Crusade.

User Indria
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