Answer: What is an indefinite article equivalent to in English?
"The indefinite article is the word 'a' or 'an.' It is placed before a noun to define it as something non-specific." -Grammer Monster
In Spanish:
A/An = Un (Una for feminine nouns, but un is used indefinitely and for masculine nouns.)
Answer: What is a definite article equivalent to in English?
The only English definite article is "The". Spanish definite articles are el, las, lo, los, and las.
-A definite article is a part of speech that identifies a specific noun.
Spanish has five definite articles, varying with number and gender:
Singular masculine: el
Singular feminine: la
Singular neuter: lo
Plural neuter or masculine: los
Plural feminine: las
-neuter: of or denoting a gender of nouns in some languages, typically contrasting with masculine and feminine or common.
A neuter word basically means something that typically or never has a gender, such as a laundry basket, bed, computer, etc.
English has one definite article: the
-"The” refers to a particular noun that is understood. The audience is aware of the object of reference and no further identification is needed.