Today we are doing a project on biomechanics. For this project we are going to use stem variables with running to test the difference in this project.Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics. The objective of this assignment is to record someone running 100 m and recording another person running the same distance but with another variable. I'm kind of thinking that the second person would wear leg weights for the second 100 m but that is just a thought.
So the first part is measuring the 100m test. It was not that hard and it did take a little time but in the end we got it from the start of my block to the middle of the block. After measuring then came the second step : thinking of the variable for the second person. So when i thought about this for the first time i did not think what variable to add and then when i actually thought that i could make this a little harder on the second person just for the test and a little fun and decided that the second person was going to wear leg weights while running the 100 m. after that i got a stopwatch and two friends to do this project for me. The faster friend had leg weights and the slower friend did not have any.i did this to improve the slower friend I told the first person that he was going to run 100 m. after that he started running and I recorded the time. It was 28 seconds. Then i told the second friend to also run the 100m but i also told him that he was going to wear leg weights. After that it took him a long 35 seconds including breaks to finish his 100 m.
Step-by-step explanation:
there u go and just say any source you want. this is for all the people who did not want to take a long time doing this project ur welcome