What question does a possessive noun answer?
Possessive Question Word Whose
You can answer these questions using possessive adjectives and nouns: Whose car is this? - It's her car. Whose house is that? - It's Janet's house. Who does that hat belong to? - It's Peter's hat.
What are possessive nouns examples?
In the following sentence, boy's is a possessive noun modifying pencil: The boy's pencil snapped in half. It is clear that the pencil belongs to the boy; the 's signifies ownership. The cat's toy was missing. The cat possesses the toy, and we denote this by use of an apostrophe + s at the end of cat.
How do you write possessive nouns?
The possessive form is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, and animals. It shows a relationship of belonging between one thing and another. To form the possessive, add apostrophe + s to the noun. If the noun is plural, or already ends in s, just add an apostrophe after the s.
Hope it helps!! Have a great day buddy❤️✨