The authoritarian tendencies in contemporary Russian society are a
regrettable reality. The assertion that an authoritarian government only can
lead the country out of the current crisis has become a general fashion
This notion is widely spread among the ruling elite, zealously searching
an autocratic leader. Altogether, the inclination to the authoritarianism is more
and more actively being revealed by diverse social groups. They, having
recently rejected the authoritarian values, much evidently show the readiness
for the ideological legitimization of authoritarianism.
This circumstance makes actual the thorough study of the
phenomenon, its peculiarities, prospects and dangers in today’s Russian
In the paper presented, a few most important tendencies linked with the
authoritarian views dissemination are examined and the threats are shown that
jeopardize weak, not well-established Russian democratic institutions and
The following conclusions might be drawn out of the research paper.
The threat of authoritarianism is high in Russia. The strengthening of
authoritarian tendencies in the country has given rise not by historically
preconditioned reasons, but by today’s current situation, i.e., the deep
economic, social, political and ideological crisis.
Though, there are some actual factors able to counteract the
consolidation of the authoritarian orders. The real perspective of the
systematic crisis further aggravation does not allow to exclude any variants of
Nevertheless, the present onslaught of authoritarianism seems not to be
the result of a certain fateful predetermination.
Russia stands in need of strong democracy capable of resisting
authoritarianism, taking the country out of crisis and safeguarding it’s
citizens’ security and prosperity.
The possibilities for this type of democracy exist. The question is how
they will be used by society.