3 votes
Argument Analysis Graphic Organizer

What is the purpose of the argument?
What is the purpose of the argument?
What is the point of view of the argument? Who is the intended
What is the point of view of the argument? Who is the intended
What is Watson's claim?
What is Thunberg's claim?
What evidence is provided to support the claim?
What evidence is provided to support the claim?
is a counterclaim presented? If so, how is it refuted or weakened?
is a counterclaim presented if so, how is it refuted or weakened?
How convincing is the argument presented by Watson? Use
details from the reading to support your opinion
How convincing is the argument presented by Thunberg? Use
details from the reading to support your opinion
Overall, which debater has a more successful or convincing
argument? Use details from their statements to support your

1 Answer

5 votes




Step-by-step explanation:

1.) Kennedy argues about how he thinks we arent doin enough for the country and how we cn all work togrther to make the U.S. a better place.---Nixon stated facts on how the U.S. is doing fine by growing and improving. And all we must do is build uo on our record.

2.) Watsons Theory, Nursing is defined by caring. Jean Watson contends that caring regenerates life energies and potentiates our capabilities.

3.) Greta Thunberg ia a Swedish environmental activist who is internationally known for challenging world leaders to take immediate actionagainst climate change.

4.) Aregument is used to change peoples points of view or persuade them to accept new points of view; and argument is used to persuade people to a particular action or new behavior.

5.) The point of view is just from his own perspective, he makes questions then anwers them himself. The intended audience is for those who oppose Kennedy and those who are indecisive ,seeing as he tries to one-up Kennedy the entire time.

6,) Watson believed that psyhcology should primarily be scientific observable behavior.

7.)That no countries have not done enough to prevent " the deadly and foreseeable consequences" of the current climate crisis.

8.) Evidence is facts used to support the claim. Citation tells the reader where the writer got the facts.Just because a writer does not cite his or her sources, does not mean she or he has no evidence.

9.)A counter claim is not presented, s Kennedy was the first to make an argument. There was no previous argument to disaprove. Is a counterclaim presented? if so, how is it refuted or weakend? Nixon's entre argument consisted of counter claims to Kennedys proposals. He was the last to speak, so there was no way for his counerclaims to be berefuted/weakend. How convincing is the argument presented byKennedy? Use details from the reading to supportyour opinion.Kennedy’s speech was inspiring and in a sensetradi±onal, which may be what the American peopleHow convincing is the argument presented by Nixon?Use details from the reading to support your opinion.Nixon’s argument was very convincing, as it mainlyconsisted of factual counterclaims to Kennedy’sspeech. He was constantly disproving Kennedy’

10.) The argument is convincing because his vision is clear. Kennedy says “I think it’s time America started moving again.” When Kennedy says this, he is summing uo what he clearly wants.

11.) Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg rallies with local ... Since then, she has received numerous awards and accolades, given a TEDx talk, ... numbers and more on the interpersonal argument — “You are failing us.

12,) Author: Kennedy

What is the purpose of the argument?

The purpose of Kennedy’s argument is to show how America can improve its educational system, workforce pay rates, the hunger crisis, and the economy. Kennedy explains how he will attempt to solve these issues.


User Russel
7.3k points