Solution :
Direct Indirect Combination
1 17 16.6 25.2
2 18.5 22.2 24
3 15.8 20.5 21.5
4 18.2 18.3 26.8
5 20.2 24.2 27.5
6 16 19.8 25.8
7 13.3 21.2 24.2
n 7 7 7
17 20.4 25
s 2.238 2.501 2.002
Source df SS MS F P-value
treatments 2 225.680 112.840 22.1593 0.000
error 18 91.660 5.092
total 20 317.340
The test hypothesis is :
: the basis for the judgement does not affects the quality of the judgment.
: the basis for the judgement affects the quality of the judgement.
Given a = 0.05, since the p-value is less than 0.05, so we reject
Therefore, the basis for the judgement affects the quality of the judgement.