The code based on the information is given below.
# Part 1: Name: Your Name
# Part 2: Data Source
# - Mention the source of your data (do not copy and paste data into the Word document)
# Part 3: Questions to Answer
# - List the questions your analysis will answer
# Part 4: The Plan
# Pseudocode Outline:
1. Read Data from the File
- Open the data file (use try-except for error handling)
- Read the lines from the file
- Close the file
2. Preprocess Data
- Identify and remove any unnecessary lines from the top
- Check for any missing or invalid values
3. Analyze Data
- Define functions for the analysis based on the questions to answer
- Example functions:
- calculate_average_temperature(data)
- find_decade_with_lowest_temperature(data)
- find_decade_with_highest_temperature(data)
4. Write Results to a Separate File
- Open a new file for writing results
- Write the analysis results to the file
- Close the results file
# Part 5: Plan Feedback from Your Partner
# - Share your pseudocode plan with a partner and gathe