Let's take, for example, Joseph Conrad's work – "Victory". Victory is a psychological novel that tells the story of a skeptical character, incapable of loving, named Axel Heyst. The novel uses a series of methods to give the reader the possibility to see a psychological interior battle lived by the protagonist and his impossibility to love, even when his partner shows proofs of loving him.
The book was published in 1915, and in the time there were no easy access to airplanes, so the characters used boats and ships to travel from island to island, since the plot happens in a place of lands surrounded by the sea. That means that the narrative happens also in the sea and with sailors.
Besides, the year 1915 was during the first World War, and this certainly reflected the atmosphere of the plot, which was very pessimistic, making even the protagonist a very skeptical character. Such a character was incapable of loving, even when his partner tried consistently to show him she cared.
The World War atmosphere was transferred to the book, and "Victory" showed a pessimistic world, where some people were incapable of loving and only though about themselves.