The null and alternative hypothesis:

The observed values:
Excellent Good Fair Total
Excellent 40 25 8 73
Good 35 35 10 80
Fair 25 10 12 47
Total 100 70 30 200
The expected values = (Row total/column total)/grand total)
Excellent Good Fair
Excellent 36.5 25.55 10.95
Good 40 28 12
Fair 23.5 16.45 7.05
O E (O - E)²/E
40 36.5 0.3356
35 40 0.6250
25 23.5 0.0957
25 25.55 0.0118
35 28 1.7500
10 16.45 2.5290
8 10.95 0.7947
10 12 0.3333
12 7.05 3.4755

Degree of freedom

Using Excel formula =CHIDIST(x²,d.f)
The P-value = 0.0413