Assets 2018 2019 2020 2021
Current Assets:
Cash 368 1,823 1,721 2,270
Account Receivavle 1,622 1,599 1,919 2,303
Inventories 544 590 708 850
Current Assets 2,534 4,012 4,348 5,422
Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets 7,800 8,474 8,898 9,343
Accumulated depreciation -580 -730 -847 -890
Net Fixed Assets 7,220 7,744 8,050 8,453
Total 9,754 11,756 12,398 13,875
Current liabilities
Account Payable 370 512 614 737
Short term debt 1,800 2,288 2,288 2,288
Total Current liabilities 2,170 2,800 2,902 3,025
Long Term Debt 5,070 5,392 4,852 4,312
Shareholders' Equity:
Common Stock 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500
Additional paid in capital 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Retained earnings -250 797 1,876 3,270
Total 2,750 3,797 4,876 6,770
Treasury stock -233 -233 -233 -233
Total Shareholders' Equity: 2,517 3,564 4,643 6,537
Total 9,757 11,756 12,398 13,875
-3 0 0 0
Statements of Income
2018 2019 2020 2021
Revenues 16,389 18,210 21,852 26,222
Cost of goods sold 10,832 12,035 14,442 17,330
Gross profit on sales 5,558 6,175 7,410 8,892
Operating expenses 3,521 3,912 4,694 5,633
Depreciation 150 150 117 42
EBIT 1,887 2,113 2,598 3,216
Interest expense 603 502 384 357
Income Taxes 449 564 775 1,001
Net Income 835 1,047 1,439 1,859
Step-by-step explanation:
Assets 2018 2019 2020 2021
Current Assets:
Cash 368 1,823 1,721 2,270
Account Receivavle 1,622 1,599 1,919 2,303
Inventories 544 590 708 850
Current Assets 2,534 4,012 4,348 5,422
Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets 7,800 8,474 8,898 9,343
Accumulated depreciation -580 -730 -847 -890
Net Fixed Assets 7,220 7,744 8,050 8,453
Total 9,754 11,756 12,398 13,875
Current liabilities
Account Payable 370 512 614 737
Short term debt 1,800 2,288 2,288 2,288
Total Current liabilities 2,170 2,800 2,902 3,025
Long Term Debt 5,070 5,392 4,852 4,312
Shareholders' Equity:
Common Stock 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500
Additional paid in capital 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Retained earnings -250 797 1,876 3,270
Total 2,750 3,797 4,876 6,770
Treasury stock -233 -233 -233 -233
Total Shareholders' Equity: 2,517 3,564 4,643 6,537
Total 9,757 11,756 12,398 13,875
-3 0 0 0
Statements of Income
2018 2019 2020 2021
Revenues 16,389 18,210 21,852 26,222
Cost of goods sold 10,832 12,035 14,442 17,330
Gross profit on sales 5,558 6,175 7,410 8,892
Operating expenses 3,521 3,912 4,694 5,633
Depreciation 150 150 117 42
EBIT 1,887 2,113 2,598 3,216
Interest expense 603 502 384 357
Income Taxes 449 564 775 1,001
Net Income 835 1,047 1,439 1,859