This question is missing the analogy. When I looked it up online, this is what I found:
Solve this analogy, then describe the word relationship that helped you solve it. Finally, write your own word analogy that uses a synonym word relationship. Car : tire as cat :
B. paw
C. run
D. meow
The analogy car:tire is the same as cat:paw.
Step-by-step explanation:
The relationship between a car and a tire is that the car is the whole, and the tire is a part of that whole. Applying that to "cat", we can think of the cat as the whole. Now, we need to find the option that has a part of the whole. In that case, it can only be option B. paw. A paw is a part of a cat's body.
Now, let's make our own analogy with a synonym relationship. A synonym is a different word that has the same meaning as another word. An analogy containing that relationship is: