Yes, because the regression equation is based on the random sample.
A simple linear regression model that describes the relationship between X and Y takes the form
Yi= ∝ + βXi + εi or
Y i= U(y.x) + εi
where εi's are the random errors. The random errors εi's are assumed to be independent of Xi and normally distributed with E(εi)= 0 and Var (εi)= σ²(y.x) , a constant for all Xi. These assumptions imply that Yi also have a common variance σ²(y.x) , as the only random element in the is εi.
The estimated regression line Y= a+ bX is also the predictor of Yi= ∝ + βXi+ εi
. That is Y^ can also be used to predict an individual value Y0 of Yi rather than a mean value, corresponding to the given X0. To draw the inferences about Y0 we need to know it mean and variance.